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Of all the possible online Web site tools available, is one of the friendliest and simplest to use. I chose to feature this online design service because it is family-oriented and provides many special features that are hard to create for yourself, such as password protection for privacy and hotel reservations for weddings and family reunions. You can even include video, music and lots of photos and text.

The templates at this service are specially designed for the kinds of sits you're most likely to want for your family, from weddings to new babies to family reunions, and with the customizable templates they offer, you can build sites for your hobbies, birthdays and anything else you can imagine.

Although the main site is, you'll find links to other services, such s the Makes Websites service that enables you to customize templates to create any kind of design. Although the following steps are specific to the Makes Websites system, the basic concepts you learn here apply to almost any online Web site service.
Digital Family Album